Celebrating SALT Day 🎉
Last year, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer appointed April 15th as SALT Day here in Orlando to honor all of the work that SALT Outreach does for the unsheltered in Central Florida. We couldn’t be more honored to celebrate this day, but also use it as an opportunity to grow our departments and become a stronger organization. Starting April 15th - April 30th, you will hear firsthand from our volunteers and staff about specific initiatives they are fundraising for within their team. Based on what you find the most interesting or helpful, we urge you to make a donation or simply just share one of the links below with your family and friends in an effort to bring awareness to these initiatives and all of the other services that SALT Outreach offers. Here’s a little bit about the initiatives and campaigns you will be hearing through the end of the month….
Our Case Management Department is fundraising for a new software that is going to revolutionize how we help our unsheltered guests end their homelessness journey. This Case Management software will help by giving us one location to store all of the guest’s data, notes, and assistance options. A portion of this investment ($30k) will pay for the customization, implementation, and training to properly introduce this software into the SALT organization. While another small portion ($5k) will go to the ongoing use of the software throughout the year.
Features of this software include: Appointment Scheduling, Contact Information, Case Notes, Deadlines, Documents, & more! CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO THIS SPECIFIC CAUSE: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/salt-outreach-inc/case-management-fundraising-for-our-new-software SHOWER TRAILER
Our Outreach Department is fundraising the final funds needed to launch our second shower trailer and expand our service areas to Winter Garden, Bithlo, and Apopka. Due to supply chain and maintenance difficulties, our last round of fundraising got us close to reaching this goal, but left us $3,500 short. Between this upgrade and the on-going costs of running our current shower trailer (3 showers equals $10 for SALT, 12k showers last year costs us an estimated $40k in operating costs), the Outreach team needs YOUR help to reach this milestone and maintain our program.
CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO THIS SPECIFIC CAUSE: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/salt-outreach-inc/shower-trailer-complete-second-trailer-expand-service-areas LAUNDRY SERVICE
Another project our Outreach Department team is fundraising for is a new on-site washer and dryer that will help them with cleaning, donation intake, and more! The cost for a new industrial-grade washer and dryer will be around $8k, with some costs for delivery and installation. The SALT Outreach team uses our on-site washer and dryer to clean the cloths used to clean shower units after each guest showers, and also to wipe down the Laundry Trailer to stop the spread of germs. All clothing donations are also washed in these machines before any items are given to guests. The COVID-19 pandemic made cleaning and sanitation our top priority on-site. A new washer and dryer is needed now more than ever. Our current wash loads are too much for the machines we have now. CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO THIS SPECIFIC CAUSE: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/salt-outreach-inc/laundry-trailer-new-on-site-washer-dryer OUR VOLUNTEERS & STAFF
Our Volunteer & Staff managers are fundraising to enrich our volunteer and employment benefits within the SALT organization. In order to keep our staff and volunteers equipped with the skills they need to best serve and understand our unsheltered guests, there are education opportunities we would like to offer for enrichment and development. There is also a potential patio area that we would like to finish and spruce up to give our volunteers and staff a quality break area that they deserve. Additionally, a company retreat is in the works to thank our volunteers and staff for their dedication, and encourage team-building within our organization.
CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO THIS SPECIFIC CAUSE: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/salt-outreach-inc/volunteer-staff-investment-salt-day-fundraiser OUR ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT
Our Administrative Department is fundraising for the operating costs of their department. From managing communications, handling guest intake, and coordinating all of our on-site services, the Admin Team is vital in supporting the organizational needs of SALT. Costs like power/water/sewage for our on-site services, insurance, software, and technology quickly eat up this department's budget.
CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO THIS SPECIFIC CAUSE: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/salt-outreach-inc/admin-team-salt-day-fundraiser
Thank you so much for your support throughout this month. It’s because of our loyal supporters and God’s grace that we can continue to serve the unsheltered in our community. As always, you can reach out to team@SALToutreach.org with any questions and to find out how you can get more involved!
